Thursday, July 17, 2008 - maybe, maybe not was interesting. It did give me some useful links. Like under the recent posts you could go to Classic TV quotes which was quite hard case. The quotes one was well organised and you could go by show.

The other one that interested me was Abandoned Buildings, Towns and Cities WebUrbanist

However as interesting as I found this I can't at this point think of any useful applications for it.
If you have untold time to surf and explore this is probably an extremely cool site to muck around in.

It's kind of like going through Bebo or Facebook but for bookmarks rather than personal stuff that you would find on the two mentioned social networking sites.

Personally if I find a good site of use to me I prefer to bookmark them for myself if someone else is interested they can ask and I would share the address and let them bookmark it themself.

So while was interesting it's not really of a lot of use to me.

1 comment:

tosca said...

Did you notice that Manukau Libraries now offers RSS feeds for borrowers/staff to subscribe to for new titles?? Kelly pointed it out to me so I went through and added some to my blog and to my bloglines account ;)