Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sandbox Wiki

As a kid I used to love playing in my sandpit. It wasn't quite like this one but hey the world has moved on. The sandbox wiki was fun and easy to use and I had great fun trying to decide which favourites thing I was going to add to or whether I wanted to create a new favourites thingy.

Decisions decisions decisions well in the end I decided to move the music one along a bit and added to that. So far the only ones who pretty much have any favourite music is me and Catatonia.

My blog is now in the favourite blogs list in there not that mine is in any way, shape or form actually worth reading but hey they say one man's trash is another man's treasure so you never know someone might actually want to read my ramblings and heaven forbid they may even enjoy them.

1 comment:

tosca said...

There used to be a market, every Saturday, in Upper Hutt called 'Trash & Treasure' and my parents and grandparents would take me. I remember I had to ask my mum why it had that name. Back then I only knew a treasure as a nappy LOL Totally nothing to do with your post though but it reminded me LOL