Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Library and Web 2.0

It's really hard to read sometimes when you are sitting in a room full of noisy, chatty women but I did my best. I read Into a new world of Librarianship and To better bibliographic services.
I like the concepts discussed in the first one which included what a user-centered library does and how the library involves the users in projects and plans that it makes. There was also talk in the first one I read about how the web could enhance Library services. This is a great concept but in our haste to keep up with Technology we can't forget our customers who are not au fait with it.
To better bibliographic services focused a lot on technology and using it to enchance bibliographic services which I think is a cool concept and it would allow you to think outside the square. You could even allow customers to contribute their reading views via a wiki. The idea of keeping up with technology and using it to enhance services to your users is great but technology costs money and you would have to convince the people who hold the purse strings of the validity of putting the money towards technology projects for the benefit of Library users.

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